Monday 16 June 2014

Choose Your Football Socks with Care !

Did you ever consider sparing a thought for the type of football socks you need to wear? Nah! This is hardly something which needs a thought. All you did was throw in some pair of socks in the trolley basket when you went shopping for clothes and other valuable. Checking out the label for information such as material, elasticity, sweat absorbent quotient never occurred to you. Unknowingly, this is where the problem arise!

You have unmindful bought a football socks, and only after the first use you get to realize where you have gone wrong. After sweating out in the field wearing those pairs, when you take off your shoes your feet starts stinking horribly. A smell that can offend you team mates in the locker room or anywhere where you happen to open it. For your information; such stenches are common and real embarrassing. A definite problem when you wear poor quality of socks. The problem arises from the fact that as the feet remains covered, without getting aired, the moisture in form of sweat that oozes out from the foot area remains compressed that transforms to bad stench .Among the many recommended remedies to cure this problem, wearing a quality pair of socks is certainly one .

emember that the best pair of socks are made from synthetic materials such as polyester,acrylic and cool max, because they will wick away moisture. For winter, wool blends such as smart-wool are also a good choice. You can also wear a double layered sock, it provides extra cushioning. Don’t go for 100% cotton socks, as once cotton gets wet it stays wet. To jazz up the look  try out colors like orange, yellow, green and pink football socks .